This is the problem with Machiavelli. It may indeed be better to be feared than loved... until your survival depends on the goodwill of others. Cuomo made enemies for its own sake for decades in New York politics. Even his allies don't like him personally. And he's given them the perfect excuse.

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Nixon's misconduct wasn't "quaint," unless the word includes the President of the United States authorizing payoffs to the burglars who tried to bug the DNC and then lying about it repeatedly to Congress, the FBI, and the public for two years, to which we can now add that in 1968, as the GOP candidate, he secretly contacted the North Vietnamese government and told them not to make peace with LBJ in order not to lose the political point to Hubert Humphrey, an act of treason that prolonged the Vietnamese War for years and cost tens of thousands of American and Vietnamese casualties. Nixon was a world-class villain and his later life as an aging apologist for himself did very little to erase the impression..

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Oh, Ross—I fervently hope your analysis is correct

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Still, I wouldn't count Cuomo out.

Our government exists for little else but to enable elites to steal from the poor and to make sure the poor remain powerless.

Allowing Cuomo to get what he deserves would set a precedent of holding elites accountable. This will never be allowed to happen, even by the elites who hate his guts.

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